
From me..

Hi, my name is Martin and I’m a gambling addict. A compulsive gambler. I’m also a thief, a liar, a fantasist. I’ve hurt those that I love and care about. I’ve not lived up to my principles and beliefs and I’m ashamed of myself. I am also more sorry than I can say.  At this point you can decide to stop reading. You’ve seen the media, the headlines, and you’ve made your minds up. And that’s ok. I can’t stop you. Or you can read on, learn more, ask questions, be enquiring, seek knowledge and discover. It won’t always be a pleasant or easy read. Your choice! Let me start by sharing what someone sent to me recently after I had a particularly difficult day:~ ‘Take a shower, wash off the day. Drink a glass of water. Make the room dark. Lie down and close your eyes. Notice the silence. Notice your heart. Still beating. Still fighting. You made it, after all. You made it, another day. And you can make it one more. You’re doing just fine.’ And that is where I am. It’s one day at a time. Sometime